Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters

Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters

Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters

Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. —Ecclesiastes 11:1

Solomon encouraged the reader to “Cast thy bread upon the waters.”  Not unjustly, this scripture is often used to challenge people to sow the seeds of the gospel everywhere. While this is also true, Solomon is specifically speaking of deeds of charity. Sow the seeds of kindness and goodness upon people all around you. Give a portion of food to seven and also to eight (v2).

Sow upon all waters. Be hospitable to the most unlikely people even if they may seem unworthy. Sacrifice for the orphan, the single mother, the sick father, the elderly, the sinner. Give as unto the Lord and withhold not your hand.

In due time, God will cause an abundant increase. We sow not for the fleshly gratification, but God will repay His faithful servants. There will be a return.


