Commune from the Mercy Seat

Commune from the Mercy Seat

And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat.
—Exodus 25:22

During the time the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, they carried with them the tabernacle, a portable sanctuary. The Ark of the Covenant was placed in the Most Holy Place, which was the innermost chamber of the tabernacle. On top of the ark was a lid which was called the mercy seat. This is where God communed with the High Priest once a year on the Day of Atonement. What a blessed consolation to know that God dealt with His people from a seat of mercy rather than from a seat of judgment. No matter what the sin, when the blood was applied, God extended mercy and forgiveness to the children of Israel.

While the blood of bulls and of goats was imperfect to take away sin, Jesus died on the cross to atone for the sin of all mankind. In this New Testament dispensation, we may still approach the throne of God where He will commune with us from a seat of mercy and love. If there is sin or failure, one can come to Christ, who will bridge the gap to God through His mercy. Rather than judge and destroy, He will provide a path of healing and reconciliation. We need never fear to approach the mercy seat of God, for it is there that we can commune with the King of kings.

We are so blessed to have the privilege and assurance of communing with God from the mercy seat. We as God’s children also have many interactions with people in our lives—family, friends, fellow Christians, co-workers, etc. From what seat do we commune with them? Are we communicating and making decisions in our lives from a seat of judgment or a seat of mercy?

We are to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and be partakers of His divine nature. If God communes with us from the mercy seat, how then can we be harsh and judgmental in our actions and spirit with other people? Let us communicate with all people from a standpoint of mercy so that they might see Jesus and find the healing path of reconciliation. ■
