God Will Finish What He Starts

God Will Finish What He Starts

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
—Philippians 1:6

When a sinner comes to Christ with a repentant heart, there is rejoicing in Heaven. God mends the broken, cleanses the unrighteous, and transforms the sinner into a new creature. What a wonderful experience of peace and joy as the convert walks in newness of life.

This initial experience is just the beginning. There is life to live, and the new Christian will soon face the realities of self, temptation, and hurts. It is not time to let down or give up on the things of God. The Christian should take courage and be fully persuaded, as Paul the apostle, who was “confident” that God who had saved would continue to work and enable the child of God to make it victoriously until the return of Jesus.

God did not send His Son to die for our sins to do a partial work. He has provided us with everything we need to get through the problems of life. God knows our weaknesses, our struggles, and our propensities. He knows everything about us, and we can rest with the assurance that God is willing and able to minister to the depth of our needs. He will empower us to faithfully follow Jesus and be found ready to meet Him in peace at the judgment.

Salvation is a complete plan, and the work of God is not haphazard. He will not abandon what He has started. He will bring us to completion through the ongoing work of grace and the Holy Spirit. God is very aware of our humanity, and He made adequate spiritual provisions for our success. We have no problem or struggle that is too big for God. While we have the power to walk away from God, He will never leave us nor forsake us as we maintain our purpose to follow Him. If you do not quit on God, He will not quit on you.
He will finish what He started in your life!
