Gospel Truth Archives

Gospel Truth Archives

All Gospel Truth issues are available for download at www.thegospeltruth.org.
Currently available in seven languages.

  1. Gospel, Truth, Sincerity
  2. Salvation, Sin
  3. Relationship of Love
  4. The Kingdom of God
  5. Eschatology—Second Coming of Christ, End Times
  6. The Church of God
  7. The Power of Influence, Television, Internet
  8. The Infilling of the Holy Spirit
  9. Glossolalia—Speaking in Tongues
  10. Water Baptism
  11. The Ordinance of Feet Washing; Humility
  12. The Passion of Christ; The Lord’s Supper
  13. Self-Righteousness
  14. Divorce & Remarriage
  15. Deeds of Charity
  16. Outward Appearance-Christian Dress
  17. The Ministry
  18. The Two Covenants
  19. Biblical Tithing & Giving
  20. The Sabbath & The Lord’s Day
  21. Music in Worship
  22. The Triune Godhead
  23. Spiritual Self-Examination
  24. Divine Healing
  25. Fasting
  26. Biblical Nonresistance/Military Service
  27. Financial Stewardship
  28. Eternal Security
  29. First and Second Death & Resurrection
  30. Praise
  31. Prayer
  32. COVID-19 (Special Edition)
  33. Ministerial Ordination
  34. Office of the Deacon
  35. Not of This World
  36. In Times of Trouble
  37. Power of the Parable
  38. Biblical Repentance
  39. Honesty
  40. How to Know the Will of God
