Humanity of the Presbytery

Humanity of the Presbytery

Humanity of the Presbytery

Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; —2 Corinthians 3:5

It is a high calling to be part of the presbytery. Ministers are to be qualified, spiritual leaders and examples; and the body of believers is to esteem them highly and to give honor to their God-given position. It is also very important to remember the humanity of the presbytery. Ministers are not spiritual robots and are not perfect in their humanity. They have feelings, weaknesses, faults, and even fall short in wisdom at times. They are tempted, have frustrations, and can experience high stress in the ministry. It is vital that people give the ministry understanding and room to be human, showing much love and care.

Ministers are not sufficient of themselves and are incapable of adequately doing God’s work without the power and ability of the Holy Spirit. Their sufficiency is of God. People too often expect the position and ministerial office to remove the very qualities that make us all human. It is the recognition of one’s humanity that keeps a true minister humble and dependent upon the Lord.

The apostles and spiritual leaders of the past had faults because they were human, but that in no way undermined the working of God in and through them. May every child of God and congregation maintain respect and regard for their Spirit-filled ministers—knowing the humanity of the presbytery. —mws

