Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. —Acts 3:6
When the lame man at the gate of the temple looked to Peter and John expecting to receive alms, they lifted him up in the name of Jesus, and the man was divinely healed. The people marveled and Peter informed them that it was not their own power or holiness which made the man to walk. “Faith in his name hath made this man strong.” Healing came through faith in the name of Jesus.
There is today still power in the mighty, wonderful, awesome name of Jesus. Many times, we conclude in prayer: “In the name of Jesus.” That is truly a fit ending to prayer, but power in the name of Jesus is the heart and substance of seeking God for divine intervention, not just a conclusion. There is no other name given under heaven like the name of Jesus. When we call on the name of Jesus, we are evoking the name of the one who is the creator of mankind, the saviour of the world, head of the church, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.
Satan hates the name of Jesus and he trembles before it. Evil spirits must flee when holy people call on that mighty name. We can face the forces of evil with confidence, the afflictions of life with courage, and the darkness of the world with hope, for we have access to the one who vanquished all enemies, even death. As ministers and gospel workers, we need not be afraid of failure or lack of results. The power to heal or the grace to sustain is not ours but God’s. Let us leave the results to God.
Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. May our faith and trust be inspired when we pray for souls bound and addicted to sin. We can pray with authority and confidence when we pray in the name of Jesus. When the sick and suffering are desperately in need of help, we can seek God with assurance through His dear son. In spite of our humanity and weakness, as God’s children, we have power in the name of Jesus.