Servant of Christ

Servant of Christ

Servant of Christ

Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God. —Romans 1:1

True ministers are called and ordained of God. They are chosen to spread the gospel and to speak as the spirit gives utterance. Paul identified himself “as a servant of Jesus Christ.” He was acknowledging Christ as his Master and Lord. He assumed no authority of his own but labored and spoke as a servant doing the will of the master.

When a servant humbly follows instruction, the results of labor are credited to the master. When God blesses and anoints the efforts of a minister in His kingdom, the glory and honor all goes to the Lord. A godly minister should never be exalted in his own ability or works, for all are but servants.

Sometimes ministers feel discouraged when their labor seemingly does not bring forth much fruit. There are times in which prayers go unanswered. Ministers can carry this burden and can be pressed down because of their own inability to cause people and situations to change. Be of good courage and remember that you are just the servant. It is God’s power and God’s will that brings results in His time and in His way. Stay submitted, obedient, and faithful as a servant and leave the results to the Lord. Lift up thy head and humbly fulfill God’s purpose as a servant of Jesus Christ.
