
Steps to Salvation
Issue 2: Salvation, Sin

Steps to Salvation

Primary Steps I. BELIEVE – to have faith or trust in; to accept something as true, genuine, honest, or real Acts 16:30-31 And brought them

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Bible Study
Issue 2: Salvation, Sin

Bible Study – Sin

Scripture Reading: Romans 6:13-18  Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive

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Issue 2: Salvation, Sin

Living Free from Sin

Many professing Christians say that everybody sins “more or less” every day. Can a Christian live without sinning? Yes. True Christians not only should, but

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Issue 2: Salvation, Sin

Facts About the Bible

The word Bible comes from the Greek word Biblia, meaning; books. The Bible is a collection of 66 books containing 1189 chapters. The Old Testament

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